Our Team

Team Member - Jo Shepherd

Jo Shepherd

Chief Officer

Jo’s background is Youth Work and working with another Community Centre in Blackpool before starting at Claremont First Step in January 2005.

Team Member - Cathy Adams

Catherine Adams

Finance & Admin Officer

Cathy’s background was catering for over 20 years. Changed pathways to book-keeping and joined the staff of the Centre on 5th June 2000 when the doors first opened.

Team Member - Johann Adams

Johann Adams

Senior Project Worker

Johann’s background is in all things travel having worked on cruise ships going all over the world, Manchester Airport and as a local travel consultant. She joined the team in May 2008.

Team Member - Jo Baker

Josephine Baker

Project Worker

Jo worked as Playgroup Manager for many years looking after local children. When the playgroup closed, Jo joined the staff of the Centre in October 2012 as a Project Worker looking after our clubs.

The Management Structure

The organisation has a membership of individuals from the local community and representatives from local community groups.

The organisation is governed by a set of rules known as Articles & Memorandum of Association. This is a legal document which we must follow when carrying out our business as a charitable company. A copy of this is available in the centre office.


In order to ensure that our Board has the appropriate skills needed to manage the project we have carried out a skills audit of Board members.

This has helped us to identify which Board members are best suited to which tasks, also we can use the information gained from this to identify gaps in the Board’s skills and recruit members of the community to fill them.

Our Management structure is made up of a Board of Directors/Trustees. These volunteers are garnered from individuals with a professional background who either work or live in the local area and who have an interest in the continued success of the Centre.

The Trustees comprise of a Chairperson, Treasurer and Company Secretary to a maximum of 14

Our current board members are:

Linda Markey (Chair)
Jake Adams (Vice Chair)
Khalid Mohammed – (Company Secretary)
Alex Goldie (Secretary)
Alan Cavill
Cllr Ivan Taylor
Ann Nowell

Also in attendance:
Joe (Joanne) Shepherd (Chief Officer)
Catherine Adams (Finance and Administration Officer)

If you wish to view a copy of our annual accounts or other company information then you may do so at the Companies House website.